Rug cleaning refers to the removal of dust and bacteria build-up on any rug in any space. In today's modern world many rugs are made from synthetic elements and are actually produced with DIY cleaning in mind. Some rugs, however, require a professional clean due to their sensitive fabric nature.
Oriental and Persian rugs are made from natural wool and silk fibers and as they are hand crafted, they must also be hand cleaned as well. Feet Up Cleaning owns and operates our own cleaning facility where professional cleaning experts will hand wash your rugs and professional repair men and women will restore any moth eaten patches, dye/sun damage or fringe absences your precious possessions might have encountered.
The cleaning process for authentic rug pieces is far more complicated than for standard, mass produced synthetic rugs. These kinds of rugs can be cleaned on your own property. Rare rugs need space and temperature controlled climates and above all, time. While we can certainly operate as fast as lightening, when it comes to dedicates, we always let the rug tell us its story before we begin the cleaning processes. Since each rug is made individually, each rug will respond individually to a professional touch. For this reason, we have a standard 24 hr turn around for rug cleaning. Our pick up and delivery are of no additional cost to you because we believe this to be part of our customer service package.
For a free estimate, contact us today at 323-482-1219